What does Alchemist publish?

Alchemist publishes essays of between 2,500 and 5,000 words, written in accessible and engaging prose, which sketch out practical yet ambitious ideas for repairing the United States. Essays should be prescriptive; they should not merely be diagnostic. Our focus is ideas for U.S. policy, but authors may draw on experiences from other countries.

Who writes for Alchemist?

Alchemist airs ideas from a variety of voices; we prioritize the quality of the idea, not the credentials of the author. We seek authors with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. We especially welcome pitches from first-time authors.

What is Alchemist's editorial process like?

Our editors have experience at Foreign Affairs, The New Republic, The New Yorker, Politico, and other leading publications. If your pitch is accepted, you can expect to go back and forth with one of our editors multiple times to fine-tune your essay. We aim to forge a true partnership between the writer and the editor, and we are committed to working with you to make your idea come to life.

How does one pitch Alchemist?

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